Thursday, October 30, 2008

best compliment

i would have to say for me...the best compliment is having a family call back a year later and wanting round 2.  thank you to all who stick with me!  i enjoy seeing you and how your children change and grow over the months. 

Friday, October 24, 2008

little boy blue

can you believe those eyes.....? and the blue outfit helps.  so cute. so boy.  he is awaiting his baby sister in about 7 weeks.... wow!  pretty soon little boy blue will be a big brother surrounded in pink.  i know mama was feeling the signifance of it all!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

nite out with elle

so i love to go see live music.  once i heard sara bareilles was in town, i knew what had to be done. elle loves sara bareilles.  once i planted the seed in my husband's head it was over.  we were going to a concert!  last nite was a hit and sara was brilliant and i think elle had a great time. i loved glancing over at my beauty of a daughter seeing the lights in her eyes as she was mouthing the words to her favortite songs.  simple pleasures.  it was a late you can see. btw, the opening band was great. check out Raining Jane.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

young attendants

more from maria and dave's...

dave + maria

i had a great time with this cute couple.  not to mention the bridesmaids!  they were a hoot. thank you to all, your families are so very lovely and i enjoyed sharing the day with you. enjoy...

recent pics

here are some recents.....i know it may seem that i have not been shooting due to my lack of updated photos. sometimes i just can't find the time to blog.  i promise i am still using my camera!!

Monday, October 06, 2008

my take on senior photos

this is christina.....beautiful, as well as, beauty FULL.  (i am stealing that play on words and have always wanted to use it and now found my chance).  i was truly impressed by this young lady. we had great conversations.  we talked about the senior photo experience as a right of passage. life is full of milestones and for a young adult, this is one of them.  i enjoy these shoots more than i thought i would. it was such a pleasure spending the afternoon with her.